Up-coming Northeast Assessment Center- January 18-20, 2007

Church Planting, Uncategorized

GBNAM Northeast will host its sixth church Planter Candidate Assessment Center in PA on January 18-20, 2007.
The Center is a tremendous resource tool in assisting potential church planters evaluate their calling, ministry behavior, personality profile, leadership style, communication skills, and strengths and weaknesses in respect to church planting.

The overall goal is to assist each candidate to honestly evaluate their gifts and abilities regarding suitability for church planting. Candidates build relationships with assessor (pastors from the region) and begin to build a network of their greatest church-planting resource…other church planters.

Those who have participated in the assessment center have benefited greatly from this assessment process and highly recommend it to others. Many say the experience has been so positive that they would not consider starting a church without the assessment.

The Northeast has a trained quality assessment team. Several assessment resources are used during the process. A comprehensive composite rating is complied for each candidate with helpful recommendations for practical application.

Do you have an individual or couple in church that have interest in church planting?
The assessment center is a vital beginning step in helping people identify a calling to church-planting. Please contact Jim if you want to recommend someone to this assessment– (jksna@kcnet.org)