Away for a few days…

Scripture, Uncategorized

I will be away for a few days waiting for my daughter to deliver a new baby! Look for me to be back online by the end of next week.  In the meantime enjoy God’s wonderful Word: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:17, 18 NIV)

A Lesson from Charlotte’s Web

Rambling Thoughts


In his book Xealots, Dave Gibbons reflects on the nature of true success as a leader:

Charlotte’s Web is a wonderful little children’s story by author E. B. White about a spider named Charlotte who lives in a barn just above the stall of a pig named Wilbur. Wilbur is worried that once he grows fat enough, the farmer is going to turn him into bacon. It’s a valid concern.

Charlotte and Wilbur develop a close friendship, and as Wilbur grows larger, Charlotte uses all of her resources to try to rescue Wilbur. She writes messages in her web to convince the farm’s owners that Wilbur is a pig worth saving. The story builds to the final chapter titled “The Moment of Triumph.”

So what was Charlotte’s moment of triumph?

As the story draws to a close, Charlotte the spider is in the barn dying, [Wilbur the pig is being judged at the county fair in a pig contest], and she can hear the roar of applause for Wilbur [as he wins a special prize and thus his life is spared.] Charlotte finds great joy in knowing that her life has meant the success of another, her close friend, Wilbur. Though no one will remember her, the things she has done, and the sacrifices she has made, she is satisfied, having loved her friend in life and in death.

Gibbons adds” “[Leadership] is about fading. The great ones willingly move into irrelevance.”

Dave Gibbons, Xealots (Zondervan, 2011), pp. 145-146

Criticism is a Sharp Instrument

Other Authors

Criticism is a sharp instrument. It can cut us as deeply as a surgeon’s scalpel.

A medical student must undergo many years of training before he or she can become a surgeon and make an incision which will lead to the improvement of someone’s health. Even the most carefully calculated and well-performed surgical incision is a painful wound, and if the surgeon cannot apply himself to alleviating the patient’s suffering and restoring his health, he has no right to make a cut.

Before we criticize someone, even if we have the finest intentions for that person’s betterment, we should give serious thought to what we are doing. We must be aware that our remarks will inevitably cause emotional pain, and unless we are ready to assume responsibility for helping the person cope with the pain and assist him or her in making the changes we recommend, we should refrain from criticizing. Written by: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski.

Before you criticize someone, be a blessing first, recognizing how patient God is with you.

Have a blessed day!

The Lord is My Shepherd


The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He makes me lie down in green pastures.

He leads me beside still waters.

He restores my soul.

He leads me in paths of righteousness

for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil,

for you are with me;

your rod and your staff,

they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me

in the presence of my enemies;

you anoint my head with oil;

my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me

all the days of my life,

and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord


Psalm 23


Rambling Thoughts

The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels;

they go down into the inner parts of the body. (Proverbs 18:8 ESV)


Junk food.

Tastes good.

Fattens the soul.

Destroys lives.

And theirs.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,

for they will be filled. (Matthew 5:6 NIV)

Do You See them?

Rambling Thoughts

Do you see them?

The person with different colored skin?

The person speaking another language?

The person that looks like they came from somewhere else?

Do you see them?

Will you say hello to them?

Will you welcome them?

Will you invite them?

Do you see them?

Do you care?

What will you do?

Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight.

Jesus loves the “little children” of the world!

Money and Character

Rambling Thoughts

My friend, Dr. Duke Heller, sent me a good thought today. . . Did you know that money and character go together hand-in-hand?

“The righteousness of the blameless makes a straight way for them, but the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness.” (Proverbs 11:5)

Ramfis Kolfin said, “Increased wealth reveals your true character.  Did you already know that?  That was the message I heard as a friend of mine shared with me a tragic story of this 18-year-old girl (daughter of a mutual friend of us) who won millions in the lottery.  The fact of the matter in this was that it led to drugs, partying, and even attempted suicide.

“You see; money has a way of putting a spotlight on your character. If you are lacking character, and you come into riches, it will probably destroy you. But if instead, you are strong and generous, many will benefit from your increased wealth.

“What the above quoted Biblical verse actually teaches us is that if you have, or if you expect to come into some money, take enough time to examine and work on your character before spending a dime.  It could save you millions.  Actually, it’s all about following the “Golden Rule” and not gold.  TRUST ME ON THIS..!”

Duke commented, “Money does not ruin you, it just brings out who you really are, my good friend John Sestina told me.  Zig Ziglar told me, ‘If you are not happy with what you have, you will not be happy with what you want!’  Have you thanked God for what you have today: your spouse, your children/grandchildren, your health, your patients, clients, co-workers?  Biblical integrity and honesty will produce character that everyone will notice!”

Before every man there lies a wide and pleasant road he thinks is right, but it ends in death.  (Proverbs 16:25)