“We are too busy managing our blessings. Our religious programs, institutions and activities take precedence over the stinky homeless guy on the corner. We’d rather play a guitar on stage than pray with the meth addict downtown. We’d rather prepare sermons, [and] plan conferences…than love the lost, disciple people, teach them to obey and empower them to start churches as they go.” -Quote from an anonymous blogger in Southeast Asia

Food for thought for those who desire to live missional lives…

“We are too bus…

least reached, Other Authors, Uncategorized

My November Update

Rambling Thoughts, Uncategorized

November has been a great month of ministry and transition preparation. We started the month with Kurt taking some cabinets that we had from our home in Indiana to our home in Philadelphia. We plan to install them in the basement for added storage. From there, he went to Palmyra, Pennsylvania. Pastor Dan Travis (Palmyra Grace Brethren Church) asked Kurt to speak at their annual Men’s Retreat. He really enjoyed the time with the men at a nice mountainside retreat center. They enjoyed good spiritual conversation, challenging times in the Word, shooting skeet, target practice with pistols and rifles, games and lots of great food. It was a real “guys” kind of retreat!

Kurt came home Sunday evening and we left Monday for Winona Lake, Indiana. He was scheduled to conduct four seminars and meet with two student “life groups”. Two of the seminars and the life groups met late at night; consequently, he did not get home until after 11:00 p.m. most nights that week! Hard for someone who likes to go to bed by 10:00! But, the time spent with the students was sweet and productive as he talked to them about church planting and urban missions. Several students expressed their interest in urban ministry as part of their future aspirations. The week was also nice in that we were able to stay with our daughter, Juli Eckel, and her husband and our three grandsons!

Kurt’s parents live just north of Winona Lake in Goshen, Indiana. While we were there, his Dad had a cardiac event that resulted in his having emergency bypass surgery. The doctors told us that his heart was severely diseased. This surprised all of the family as he appeared to be the epitome of health. The doctor said that he looked much younger than his 83 years, but that his heart was of full age. The surgery went remarkably well and he is now in rehab. We stayed two days longer than we had planned, but did not want to leave until we knew he was well on the way to recovery. We were so glad to be in Indiana at that time. Please pray for Kurt’s Dad, John, and for his mother, Marjorie, as they make adjustments in their life.

This last week of November is being spent catching up on office work packing up our belongings in anticipation of our move to Philadelphia. Please pray for Anecia who bears the bulk of the packing responsibility. Sorting through things, discarding things, packing things; relocating and adjusting to a new home and neighborhood are all stress factors. We both need your prayers as we work through the move and holiday seasons.

Along with your prayers, we are so appreciative for those who have also partnered with us financially. Possibly you are deciding how much and where your special year-end donations will go. Would you please consider a special year-end gift to MetroGrace for our support? You can Give Online through a secure online donation on the MetroGrace website. Click Here to donate online. You can also Give by Check. Please make checks payable to “MetroGrace”, and mail to MetroGrace, 7721 Torresdale Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19136. Please write Miller’s Support on the memo line or include a note indicating that your contribution is intended for our missionary support.

In the midst of all our busy activities, we are looking forward to ministry opportunities with some of our new neighbors. Will you pray for this? We never want to be too busy to hear the prompting voice of the Holy Spirit to speak the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around us, especially during the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons!

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!

The 5 Levels of Leadership

Church Planting, Equipping, Notable Blogs, Other Authors, Uncategorized

The 5 Levels of Leadership.

The above link will take you to a short but excellent article for all who aspire to, or who are currently involved in, leadership. John Maxwell gives a concise and balanced understanding of what it means to be a leader. This article is a summary of his book by the same title that covers this subject in depth.
